Taps For Veterans is honored to announce that we have been asked to coordinate buglers to sound Taps each day at 5 pm at the New National World War I Memorial in Washington DC. The National World War I Memorial is located in Pershing Park on Pennsylvania Ave between 14th and 15th Streets.
Taps will be sounded by a bugler each day at 5 pm to honor the memory of 4.7 million Americans who finished a fight they did not start, in a land they had never visited, for peace and liberty for people they did not know. We honor those Doughboys who did their ‘bit’ for their country.
The daily 5 pm sounding of Taps will begin Monday May 24th and continue for 25 weeks ending after Veterans Day. The call will be sounded at the foot of the flagpole at the Memorial. We will update this page will a roster of buglers
The daily sounding is with cooperation of The WWI Commission, The Doughboy Foundation, The America Battlefield Monuments Commission, the National Park Service and Taps For Veterans.
The Doughboy Foundation is asking for your support to help fund this daily sounding of Taps so we can continue it year round to honor the doughboys of WWI.

Taps for the Doughboys Roster -(Subject to change)
May 24-30 -Jari Villanueva
May 31 Special Sounding of Taps at 3 PM for The National Moment of Remembrance Todd Taylor
May 31-June 6 Todd Taylor
June 7-13-Jari Villanueva
June 14-20 Rick Pasciuto
June 21-27 Nathan Clark
June 28-July 4 Brent Flinchbaugh
July 5-11-Jari Villanueva
July 12-18 John Schmitt
July 19-25 Jari Villanueva
July 26-August 1 Mike Delaune
August 2-8
August 9-15 Jari Villanueva
August 16-22 Billy Gerlach
August 23-29 Amy McCabe
August 30-September 5 Chris Larios
September 6-12 Davy DeArmond
September 13-19 Jari Villanueva
September 20-26 Anthony Bellino
September 27-October 3 Jari Villanueva
October 4-10 Jeff Stockham
October 11-17 Billy Gerlach
October 18-24 Jari Villanueva
October 25-31 Jari Villanueva
November 1-7 Ginger Turner
November 8-14 Jari Villanueva
TAPS FOR VETERANS is an organization dedicated to providing live buglers for military funerals and memorial services. TFV has coordinated many national events such as Taps Across America, Birth Of An American Tradition, A Bugle Call Remembered, Sounds Of Remembrance, The National Salute on Veterans Day, and 100 Nights Of Taps Gettysburg. The next major event is Taps In Honored Glory on November 7th 2021 to commemorate the Centennial of Taps at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Information on the November 2021 event will be announced by July 1st
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